2024 User Survey Results
1. What Use Case(s) are you using Cassandra for today?
Total responses: 140
Chat Application
Multi-tenant tables for SaaS applicwtion
I haven’t used it before so I’m learning all about it!
Request Management System
primary datastore of multiple large online services
Internal service discovery application
Video games!
Maintaining and contributing to the Cassandra project
All of the above
Generally used for storing application data
Online charging
Customer 360
API Management
business intelligence
game stats
game saves
Web profiles
Genomic Data Storage Collection: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GenBank
Full text search using Solr on top of Cassandra
2. What Use Case(s) are you planning to use Cassandra for in the future?
Total responses: 140
Keep adding features
Request Management Workflow
for all )
using cassandra as a general purpose database for further products…
More games!
All of the above
Not yet
More of the same above.
Financial data analytics
No other cases planned
Online charging
I’m not sure yet but I’m cooking up ideas of what I could use it for in my personal projects or future employers!
3. What was your primary reason for choosing Cassandra over other databases?
Total responses: 139

Big data management
Availability *
High availability
write performance
Data structure
12. What programming languages do you use to connect to Cassandra?
Total responses: 138

Angular 17
15. What features of Apache Cassandra do you use the most?
Total responses: 134

DSE Search
16. Have you integrated Apache Cassandra with other technologies? If so, which ones?
Total responses: 112

Lucene inddex plugin
DSE Search
18. If planning a change, how will you deploy and manage your Cassandra clusters?
Total responses: 103

20. Current trends: Do you currently have Generative AI use cases in your apps in production?
Total responses: 130

22. If you are considering no longer using Cassandra in the future, what are the reasons?
Total responses: 56

23. If running an older version of Cassandra, what timeframe do you have for upgrading to the next major version?
Total responses: 120

24. What percentage of your C* workloads will you be migrating to the cloud in the next 12 months?
Total responses: 119

25. What proposed features are you most interested in the upcoming versions? (Details here)
Total responses: 123

26. Which of these most closely matches your job description?
Total responses: 136

data engineer
IT Consultant
Full stack
28. Have you used Cassandra’s community forums, such as the Cassandra mailing list or Stack Overflow? If so, how was your experience?

31. Which of the following methods do you use to keep up to date on Cassandra?
Total responses: 131

source code
GitHub - PRs and after that test features by my self
PMC / Committer
Mailing List
mailing list
Source code